Thank You

to my teachers and mentors


 Many special people have made it possible for me to do the work that I do.

Among others, a special thanks to;

Jacqueline Bashkoff, Phd.; Private practice supervisor, supporter, colleague and associate since 1991.

Constance Boardman, CSW; for supervision, support, and ideas since 1988.

Hypnotist teachers; Gerald Kein, Calvin Banyan, Gil Boyne, Scott McFall, Deep Memory Process teachers Roger Woolger, PhD, and Margaret Doocey, The late John Evans, CAC, a good friend who woke me up about alcohol.

Leila Calder, who introduced me to spirituality, Frank Isele, PhD, mentor, supervisor who introduced me to private practice, Anthony Mangano, CSW and Susan Murtha, CSW, my first supervisors

The late Kenneth Handcock, MD, my first therapist mentor, Robert Kenerson, MD. who woke me up into the very beginning,

Thanks to my parents, who passed on the family curse but gave me the resources to begin to figure it out.

Thanks to many clients, whose participation, responsiveness, and feedback have shown me the way.

And thanks to my wife Kristen, who has been a continual guide and source of support for the challenges of marriage, parenting, step-parenting, and the practice of loving.

Thanks to George Guarino, CH for developing this website for me in 2008.

Thanks to Shaun Webster of Web Valve Design for developing this website in 2021

With Gil Boyne and Rebekka Putnam CHT at the Boyne Master Class in Hypnotherapy, Corte Madera, California on October 27-30, 2007

With Gil Boyne and Rebekka Putnam CHT at the Boyne Master Class in Hypnotherapy, Corte Madera, California on October 27-30, 2007

 “…goal, put simply, is to enable one's self to live substantially in the present. The task is life affirming, and also a kind and generous thing to do for the people one loves.”

— Martha Stout, PhD, from The Myth of Sanity.